Special Abilities | |||||
Underworld Contacts | |||||
You know many people in a variety of communities who engage in illegal activities. These people are not necessarily your friends and might not be trustworthy, but they recognize you as a peer. You and the GM should work out the details of your underworld contacts. Enabler. Granted from Works The Back Alleys | |||||
Demeanor Of Command
You project confidence, knowledge, and charisma to all who see you for the next hour. Your demeanor is such that those who see you automatically understand that you are someone important, accomplished, and with authority. When you speak, strangers who are not already attacking give you at least a round to have your say. If speaking to a group that can understand you, you can attempt to have them produce their leader or ask that they take you to their leader. You gain a free level of Effort that can be applied to one persuasion task you attempt during this period. Action to initiate.
Costs 2 Intellect.
Impart Ideal
After interacting for at least one minute with a creature who can hear and understand you, you can attempt to temporarily impart an ideal to it that you could not otherwise convince it to adopt. An ideal is different than a specific suggestion or command; an ideal is an overarching value such as "All life is sacred," "My political party is the best," "Children should be seen, not heard," and so on. An ideal influences a creature's behavior but doesn't control it. The imparted ideal lasts as long as befits the situation, but usually at least a few hours. The ideal is jeopardized if someone friendly to the creature spends a minute or more bringing it back to its senses. Action.
Costs 3 Intellect.
Interaction Skills
You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, or intimidation. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.
Skill With Defense
Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler.
Stealth Skills
You are trained in your choice of two of the following skills: disguise, deception, lockpicking, pickpocketing, seeing through deception, sleight of hand, or stealth. You can choose this ability multiple times, but you must select different skills each time. Enabler.
Trained In Discerning People's True Motives Or Seeing Through Lies
Trained In Pleasant Social Interactions
Travel Skills
You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: navigation, riding, running, piloting, or vehicle driving. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.
Light Weapons
Light Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Medium Weapons
Medium Weapons
Practiced With Medium Weapons
You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, attacks with it are hindered. Enabler.
Dmg | Skill | Pool | Type |
2 | P | M | L |
Mod:0 Cost:Free Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate
A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons |
Light Weapon
2 | P | S | L |
Mod:0 Cost:Free Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate
A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons |
Cyphers | ||
Perfection | Level: 6 | |
The user treats their next action as if they had rolled a natural 20. Subtle | ||
Wing Clip | Level: 7 | |
You can activate this cypher a part of attacking a flying creature within long range. If the attack hits, the target falls to the ground, and cannot fly again for a number of rounds equal to the cypher level. Subtle | ||
Limit 2 |
Equipment |
Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. |
Armor 0