{ "name": "Eugenio Gulgowski", "type": "pc", "system": { "basic": { "descriptor": "Learned", "type": "Lawyer", "focus": "Works The Back Alleys", "additionalSentence": "", "tier": 6, "effort": 6, "xp": 4, "advancement": { "stats": false, "effort": false, "edge": false, "skill": false, "other": false } }, "pools": { "might": { "value": 13, "max": 15, "edge": 0 }, "speed": { "value": 14, "max": 14, "edge": 5 }, "intellect": { "value": 27, "max": 25, "edge": 1 }, "additional": { "value": 0, "max": 0, "edge": 0 } }, "combat": { "recoveries": { "roll": "1d6+6" }, "armor": { "ratingTotal": 0 } }, "equipment": { "cypherLimit": "5" }, "notes": "

Possible player intrusions based on your character type:
Friendly NPC
An NPC you don't know, someone you don't know that well, or someone you know but who hasn't been particularly friendly in the past chooses to help you, though doesn't necessarily explain why. Maybe they'll ask you for a favor in return afterward, depending on how much trouble they go to.

Perfect Suggestion
A follower or other already-friendly NPC suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing.

Unexpected Gift
An NPC hands you a physical gift you were not expecting, one that helps put the situation at ease if things seem strained, or provides you with a new insight for understanding the context of the situation if there's something you're failing to understand or grasp.

+2 to your Intellect Pool.
Granted from Learned

Possible GM intrusion from your focus:
Thieves are thrown in jail. Powerful enemies are made.

", "gmNotes": "

https://app.lostcompanypress.com/account/cypher/players/521780729F9E3380 Last Updated: January 14th, 2024 02:48 App Version: 1.02.06

", "description": "

You have studied, either on your own or with an instructor. You know many things and are an expert on a few topics, such as history, biology, geography, mythology, nature, or any other area of study. Learned characters typically carry a few books around with them and spend their spare time reading.

Choose how you became involved in the adventure:
- One of the other PCs asked you to come along because of your knowledge.
- You need money to fund your studies.
- You believed that the task might lead to important and interesting discoveries.
- A colleague requested that you take part in the mission as a favor.

Works The Back Alleys
You make your way unseen, stealing from the wealthy to achieve your ends.

Background Connection:
You grew up in extreme poverty, among criminals. You still have some connections with the old neighborhood.

Focus Connection:
Pick one other PC. That character has a habit that annoys you, but you're otherwise quite impressed with their abilities.

", "settings": { "general": { "additionalSentence": { "active": false }, "additionalPool": { "active": false } }, "equipment": { "currency": { "active": true, "numberCategories": "1", "labelCategory1": "Money", "quantity1": 0 } } } }, "items": [ { "name": "Intimidation", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Trained" }, "description": "

Granted from Tier 5 Advancement

" } }, { "name": "Physics", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Trained" }, "description": "

Granted from Tier 4 Advancement

" } }, { "name": "Trained in three areas of knowledge of your choice", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Trained" }, "description": "

Granted from Learned

" } }, { "name": "Light weapons", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Practiced" }, "description": "

Granted from Lawyer

" } }, { "name": "Heavy weapons", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Inability" }, "description": "

Granted from Lawyer

" } }, { "name": "Medium weapons", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Inability" }, "description": "

Granted from Lawyer

" } }, { "name": "You have few social graces", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/skill.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Skill" } }, "basic": { "rating": "Inability" }, "description": "

Any task involving charm, persuasion, or etiquette is hindered.
Granted from Learned

" } }, { "name": "Adroit Cypher Use", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You can bear four cyphers at a time. Enabler.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Alley Rat", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

While in a city, you find or create a significant shortcut, secret entrance, or emergency escape route where it looked like none existed. Doing so requires that you succeed on an Intellect action whose difficulty is set by the GM based on the situation. You and the GM should work out the details. Action.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "6", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Anecdote", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You can lift the spirits of a group of creatures and help them bond together by entertaining them with an uplifting or pointed anecdote. For the next hour, those who pay attention to your story are trained in a task you choose that's related to the anecdote, as long as it's not an attack or defense task. Action to initiate, one minute to complete.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "2", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Anticipate Attack", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You can sense when and how creatures attacking you will make their attacks. Speed defense rolls are eased for one minute. Action.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "4", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Assume Control", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You control the actions of another creature you have interacted with or studied for at least a round. This effect lasts for ten minutes. The target must be level 2 or lower. Once you have assumed control, the target acts as if it wants to accomplish your desire to the best of its ability, freely using its own best judgment unless you use an action to give it a specific instruction on an issue-by-issue basis. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the target. Thus, to attempt to command a level 5 target (three levels above the normal limit), you must apply three levels of Effort. When the effect ends, the target remembers everything that happened and reacts according to its nature and your relationship to it; assuming control might have soured that relationship if it was previously a positive one. Action to initiate.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "6+", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Blend In", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

When you blend in, creatures still see you, but they attach no importance to your presence for about a minute. While blending in, you are specialized in stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect ends if you do something to reveal your presence or position-attacking, using an ability, moving a large object, and so on. If this occurs, you can regain the remaining period of effect by taking an action to focus on seeming innocuous and as if you belong. Action to initiate or reinitiate.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "4", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Crowd Control", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You control the actions of up to five creatures in short range. This effect lasts for one minute. All targets must be level 2 or lower. Your control is limited to simple verbal commands like \"Stop,\" \"Run away,\" \"Follow that guard,\" \"Look over there,\" or \"Get out of my way.\" All affected creatures respond to the command unless you specifically command them otherwise. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the targets or affect an additional five people. Thus, to control a group that has a level 4 target (two levels above the normal limit) or a group of fifteen people, you must apply two levels of Effort. When the Crowd Control ability ends, the creatures remember your commands but don't remember being controlled-your commands seemed reasonable at the time. Action to initiate.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "6+", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Dirty Fighter", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You distract, blind, annoy, hamper, or otherwise interfere with a foe, hindering their attacks and defenses for one minute. Action.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "2", "pool": "Speed" } } }, { "name": "Erase Memories", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You reach into the mind of a creature within immediate range and make an Intellect roll. On a success, you erase up to the last five minutes of its memory. Action.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "3", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Experienced In Armor", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

The cost reduction from your Practiced in Armor ability improves. You now reduce the Speed cost by 2. Enabler.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Expert Cypher Use", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You can bear three cyphers at a time. Enabler.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Grand Deception", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You convince an intelligent creature that can understand you and isn't hostile of something that is wildly and obviously untrue. Action.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "3", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Guild Training", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Your type abilities that have durations last twice as long. Your type abilities that have short ranges reach to long range instead. Your type abilities that inflict damage deal 1 additional point of damage. Enabler.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Inspire Aggression", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Your words twist the mind of a character within short range who is able to understand you, unlocking their more primitive instincts. As a result, they gain an asset on their Might-based attack rolls for one minute. Action to initiate.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "2", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Interaction Skills", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, or intimidation. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Master Thief", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You are trained in climbing, escaping from bonds, slipping through narrow places, and other contortionist moves. Enabler.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Practiced With Medium Weapons", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, attacks with it are hindered. Enabler.
Granted from Tier 1 Advancement From Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Psychosis", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Your words inflict a destructive psychosis in the mind of a target within long range that can understand you, dealing 6 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) per round. The psychosis can be dispersed if a target uses an action doing nothing but calming and centering itself. Action to initiate.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "4", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Pull A Fast One", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

When you're running a con, picking a pocket, fooling or tricking a dupe, sneaking something by a guard, and so on, you gain an asset on the task. Enabler.
Granted from Tier 3 Advancement Focus Ability Pull A Fast One From Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "3", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Skill With Defense", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. Enabler.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Speedy Recovery", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Your words enhance the normal regenerative ability of a character within short range who is able to understand you. When they make a recovery roll, they must spend only half the normal amount of time required to do so (minimum one action). Action.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "3", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Stealth Skills", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You are trained in your choice of two of the following skills: disguise, deception, lockpicking, pickpocketing, seeing through deception, sleight of hand, or stealth. You can choose this ability multiple times, but you must select different skills each time. Enabler.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Stimulate", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Your words encourage a target you touch who can understand you. The next action it takes is eased by three steps. Action.
Granted from Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": "6", "pool": "Intellect" } } }, { "name": "Underworld Contacts", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

You know many people in a variety of communities who engage in illegal activities. These people are not necessarily your friends and might not be trustworthy, but they recognize you as a peer. You and the GM should work out the details of your underworld contacts. Enabler.
Granted from Works The Back Alleys

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Unexpected Betrayal", "type": "ability", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/ability.svg", "system": { "description": "

Within a round or two of successfully using Enthrall, Fast Talk, or a similar ability on a target within short range, the first attack you make on that target is eased by two steps. Once you use Unexpected Betrayal on a target, using your abilities or attempting simple persuasion on that target is permanently hindered by two steps. Enabler.
Granted from Tier 2 Advancement From Lawyer

", "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Ability" } }, "basic": { "cost": 0, "pool": "Pool" } } }, { "name": "Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment.", "type": "equipment", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/equipment.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Equipment" } }, "basic": { "level": 1, "quantity": 1 } } }, { "name": "You have two additional books on topics of your choice. Granted from Learned.", "type": "equipment", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/equipment.svg", "system": { "settings": { "general": { "sorting": "Equipment" } }, "basic": { "level": 1, "quantity": 1 } } }, { "name": "Attractor", "type": "cypher", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/cypher.svg", "system": { "description": "

One unanchored item the user's size or smaller within long range (very long range if the cypher level is 8 or higher) is drawn immediately to them. This takes one round. The item has no momentum when it arrives.

", "basic": { "level": "6", "identified": true } } }, { "name": "Enduring Shield", "type": "cypher", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/cypher.svg", "system": { "description": "

For the next day, the user has an asset to Speed defense rolls.

", "basic": { "level": "10", "identified": true } } }, { "name": "Light Weapon", "type": "attack", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/attack.svg", "system": { "description": "

A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons.

", "basic": { "type": "Light", "damage": 2, "skillRating": "Practiced", "modifier": "eased", "steps": 1 } } }, { "name": "Punch", "type": "attack", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/attack.svg", "system": { "description": "

A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons.

", "basic": { "type": "Light", "damage": 2, "skillRating": "Practiced", "modifier": "eased", "steps": 1 } } }, { "name": "Initiative", "type": "skill", "img": "systems/cyphersystem/icons/items/initiative.svg", "system": { "settings": { "rollButton": { "pool": "Speed" }, "general": { "sorting": "Skill", "initiative": true } }, "basic": { "rating": "Practiced" } } } ] }