Leon Hayes MD is a Hardy Entertainer who Is Idolized By Millions in a Fairytale world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 1 Defense: Trained Speed: ______ Pool: 15 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 26 Edge: 4 Defense: Practiced Initiative: Trained Effort: 6 Armor: 3 Experience Points: 1 Recovery Roll: 1d6+10 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Almost unstoppable While you are impaired on the damage track, you function as if you were hale. While you are debilitated, you function as if you were impaired. In other words, you don't suffer the effects of being impaired until you become debilitated, and you never suffer the effects of being debilitated. You still die if all your stat Pools are 0. Captivate with starshine For as long as you speak, you keep the attention of all level 2 or lower NPCs who can hear you. If you also have the Enthrall ability, you can similarly captivate all level 3 NPCs. Action to initiate. Discerning mind You have +3 Armor against damaging attacks and damaging effects that target your mind and Intellect. Defense rolls you make against attacks that attempt to confuse, persuade, frighten, or otherwise influence you are eased. Enabler. Entourage You gain an entourage of five level 1 twenty-somethings that accompanies you wherever you go unless you purposefully disband it for a particular outing. You can ask them to deliver things for you, run messages, pick up your dry cleaning-pretty much whatever you want, within reason. They can also run interference if you're trying to avoid someone, help hide you from media attention, help you muscle through a crowd, and so on. On the other hand, if a situation becomes physically violent, they retreat to safety. Enabler. Expert follower You gain a level 3 follower. They are not restricted on their modifications. You can take this ability multiple times, each time gaining another level 3 follower. Alternatively, you could choose to advance a level 2 follower you already have to level 3 and then gain a new level 2 follower. Enabler. Fast healer You halve the time it takes to make a recovery roll (minimum one action). Incredible health Thanks to a dip in a magical pool, an injection of artificial antibodies and immune defense nanobots into your bloodstream, exposure to strange radiation, or something else, you are now immune to diseases, viruses, and mutations of any kind. Enabler. Perks of stardom You are adept at claiming the rewards that fame can generate. When you are recognized, you can be seated at any restaurant, be let into any government building, be invited to any show or sports event (even if they're sold out), get a seat at a private function of any sort, or get into any club, no matter how exclusive. When dealing with someone who can't or won't immediately give in to your desire, you gain an asset on all tasks related to persuasion if that person recognizes you or is convinced that you're a celebrity even if they don't recognize you. Enabler. Ponderous When you apply Effort when making a Speed roll, you must spend 1 extra point from your Speed Pool. True senses You can see in complete darkness up to 50 feet (15 m) as if it were dim light. You recognize holograms, disguises, optical illusions, sound mimicry, and other such tricks (for all senses) for what they are. Enabler. Unexpected betrayal Within a round or two of successfully using Enthrall, Fast Talk, or a similar ability on a target within short range, the first attack you make on that target is eased by two steps. Once you use Unexpected Betrayal on a target, using your abilities or attempting simple persuasion on that target is permanently hindered by two steps. Enabler. Skills ------ Crowd control (Pool:Intellect, Cost:6+) You control the actions of up to five creatures in short range. This effect lasts for one minute. All targets must be level 2 or lower. Your control is limited to simple verbal commands like "Stop," "Run away," "Follow that guard," "Look over there," or "Get out of my way." All affected creatures respond to the command unless you specifically command them otherwise. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the targets or affect an additional five people. Thus, to control a group that has a level 4 target (two levels above the normal limit) or a group of fifteen people, you must apply two levels of Effort. When the Crowd Control ability ends, the creatures remember your commands but don't remember being controlled-your commands seemed reasonable at the time. Action to initiate. Discipline of watchfulness (Pool:Intellect, Cost:7) You keep your allies on their toes with occasional questions, jokes, and even mock drills for those who care to join in. After spending 24 hours with you, your allies can apply a free level of Effort to any initiative tasks they attempt. This benefit is ongoing while you remain in the allies' company. It ends if you leave, but it resumes if you return to the allies' company within 24 hours. If you leave the allies' company for more than 24 hours, you must spend another 24 hours together to reactivate the benefit. You must spend the Intellect point cost each 24 hours you wish to keep the benefit active. Enabler. Enthrall (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) While talking, you grab and keep another creature's attention, even if the creature can't understand you. For as long as you do nothing but speak (you can't even move), the other creature takes no actions other than to defend itself, even over multiple rounds. If the creature is attacked, the effect ends. Action. Fast talk (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) When speaking with an intelligent creature who can understand you and isn't hostile, you convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; it should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action. Gather intelligence (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2) When in a group of people (a caravan, a palace, a village, a city, etc.) you can ask around about any topic you choose and come away with useful information. You can ask a specific question, or you can simply obtain general facts. You also get a good idea of the general layout of the location involved, note the presence of all major sites, and perhaps even notice obscure details. For example, not only do you find out if anyone in the palace has seen the missing boy, but you also get a working knowledge of the layout of the palace itself, note all the entrances and which are used more often than others, and take notice that everyone seems to avoid the well in the eastern courtyard for some reason. Action to initiate, about an hour to complete. Impart ideal (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3) After interacting for at least one minute with a creature who can hear and understand you, you can attempt to temporarily impart an ideal to it that you could not otherwise convince it to adopt. An ideal is different than a specific suggestion or command; an ideal is an overarching value such as "All life is sacred," "My political party is the best," "Children should be seen, not heard," and so on. An ideal influences a creature's behavior but doesn't control it. The imparted ideal lasts as long as befits the situation, but usually at least a few hours. The ideal is jeopardized if someone friendly to the creature spends a minute or more bringing it back to its senses. Action. Knowing the unknown (Pool:Intellect, Cost:6) By accessing the resources appropriate to your character, you can ask the GM one question and get a general answer. The GM assigns a level to the question, so the more obscure the answer, the more difficult the task. Generally, knowledge that you could find by looking somewhere other than your current location is level 1, and obscure knowledge of the past is level 7. Gaining knowledge of the future is impossible. Action. Oratory (Pool:Intellect, Cost:4) When speaking with a group of intelligent creatures that can understand you and aren't hostile, you convince them to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action should not put the creatures or their allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action. Perfect stranger (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3) You alter your posture and way of speaking and make a small but real alteration to an outfit (such as putting on or taking off a hat, reversing a cloak, and so on). For the next hour (or as long as you keep up the alteration), even creatures that know you well don't recognize you. All tasks related to hiding your true identity during this period gain one free level of Effort. Action to initiate. Regeneration (Pool:Intellect, Cost:6) You restore points to a target's Might or Speed Pool in one of two ways: either the chosen Pool regains up to 6 points, or it is restored to a total value of 12. You make this decision when you initiate this ability. Points are regenerated at a rate of 1 point each round. You must remain within immediate range of the target the whole time, either touching them or conversing with them. In no case can this raise a Pool higher than its maximum. Action. Strategize (Pool:Intellect, Cost:6) Having an action plan in place before facing a challenge improves the odds of success, even if that plan is eventually changed or discarded once it's put into play. If you and your allies spend at least ten minutes going over a plan of action, all of you gain one free level of Effort that can be applied to one task you attempt during the execution of that plan within the next 24 hours. The plan of action must be something concrete and executable in order to gain this benefit. Action to initiate, ten minutes to complete. Suggestion (Pool:Intellect, Cost:5+) You suggest an action to a creature within immediate range. If the action is something that the target might normally do anyway, it follows your suggestion. If the suggestion is something that is outside of the target's nature or express duty (such as asking a guard to let an intruder pass), the suggestion fails. The creature must be level 2 or lower. The effect of your suggestion lasts for up to a minute. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the target you can affect by 1. Thus, to affect a level 5 target (three levels above the normal limit), you must apply three levels of Effort.When the effects of the ability end, the creature remembers following the suggestion but can be persuaded to believe that it chose to do so willingly. Action to initiate. Transcend the script (Pool:Intellect, Cost:5) Whether they are lines you wrote, acted, reported on, or otherwise incorporated into your talent, you compose an oratory on the fly that is so wonderful that even you believe it. For each ally who hears it (and you too), a task attempted within the next hour is eased by two steps. Action. Encouragement (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1, Specialized) While you maintain this ability through ongoing inspiring oration, your allies within short range ease one of the following task types (your choice): defense tasks, attack tasks, or tasks related to any skill that you are trained or specialized in. Action. Anecdote (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2, Trained) You can lift the spirits of a group of creatures and help them bond together by entertaining them with an uplifting or pointed anecdote. For the next hour, those who pay attention to your story are trained in a task you choose that's related to the anecdote, as long as it's not an attack or defense task. Action to initiate, one minute to complete. Do you know who i am? (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3, Inability) Acting only as someone who is famous and used to privilege can, you verbally harangue a living foe who can hear and understand you so forcefully that it is unable to take any action, including making attacks, for one round. Whether you succeed or fail, the next action the target takes after your attempt is hindered. Action. Feint (Pool:Speed, Cost:2) If you use one action creating a misdirection or diversion, in the next round you can take advantage of your opponent's lowered defenses. Make a melee attack roll against that opponent. You gain an asset on this attack. If your attack is successful, it inflicts 4 additional points of damage. Action. Celebrity talent (Trained) You are trained in two of the following areas: writing, journalism, a particular style of art, a particular sport, chess, science communication, acting, news presentation, or some related noncombat skill that led to your celebrity. Enabler. Trained in might defense actions (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Heavy weapons (Inability) Medium weapons (Inability) Your big, strong body is slow to react (Inability) Any task involving initiative is hindered. Practiced with medium weapons (Inability, Practiced) You can use light and medium weapons without penalty. If you wield a heavy weapon, attacks with it are hindered. Enabler. Attacks ------- Light Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Speed Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Beloved's Kiss (Level: 9) When pressed to the lips of a character, beloved's kiss prevents the occurrence of one specific condition of the cypher level or lower. Additionally, it ends any such ongoing effect, if any, in the user's system. Roll a d6 to determine the result. Rolled a 6. Renders the character immune to mental effects for one hour per cypher level (and ends any ongoing effects) In the form of a ruby red ring. Fairy Tale Heart Of A Star (Level: 3) For the next ten minutes, when the user helps another character while holding the star, that character's task is eased by an additional step. (If the user has an inability in the relevant skill, the other character's task is still eased.) In the form of a still-warm piece of a fallen star. Fairy Tale Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 6 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- Hardy Your body was built to take abuse. Whether you're pounding down stiff drinks while holding up a bar in your favorite watering hole or trading blows with a thug in a back alley, you keep going, shrugging off hurts and injuries that might slow or incapacitate a lesser person. Neither hunger nor thirst, cut flesh nor broken bone can stop you. You just press on through the pain and continue. As fit and healthy as you are, the signs of wear show in the myriad scars crisscrossing your body, your thrice-broken nose, your cauliflower ears, and any number of other disfigurements you wear with pride. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - The PCs recruited you after learning about your reputation as a survivor. - You joined the PCs because you want or need the money. - The PCs offered you a challenge equal to your physical power. - You believe the only way the PCs will succeed is if you are along to protect them. Is Idolized By Millions You're a celebrity and most people adore you. Background Connection --------------------- You have an annoying rival who always seems to get in your way or foil your plans. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. Seeing you use your focus abilities seems to trigger an unpleasant memory in that character. That memory is up to the other PC, although they may not be able to consciously recall it. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Friendly NPC An NPC you don't know, someone you don't know that well, or someone you know but who hasn't been particularly friendly in the past chooses to help you, though doesn't necessarily explain why. Maybe they'll ask you for a favor in return afterward, depending on how much trouble they go to. Perfect Suggestion A follower or other already-friendly NPC suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing. Unexpected Gift An NPC hands you a physical gift you were not expecting, one that helps put the situation at ease if things seem strained, or provides you with a new insight for understanding the context of the situation if there's something you're failing to understand or grasp. Mighty +4 to your Might Pool. Granted from Hardy Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Fans are endangered or hurt on your behalf. Someone in your entourage betrays you. Your show, tour, contract, or other event is canceled. The media posts photos of you in an embarrassing situation. https://app.lostcompanypress.com/account/cypher/characters/KJXLoJ Last Updated: July 22nd, 2024 21:52 App Version: 1.02.06